Page 169 - SALTO 2024
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          SALTO ProAccess SPACE Software is a powerful          set up and configure, giving users the flexibility
          web-based access control management tool that         and control that today’s modern access control
          enables users to program access-time zones,           systems require.
          manage different calendars and view audit trails from
          each door. Its user-friendly interface is simple to

          TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS                                 MAIN FEATURES

          SERVER OPERATING SYSTEM:                                  USER FRIENDLY:
          • Windows 7 SP1.                                          • 100% web-based software that facilitates the setup,
          • Windows 8.12.                                            routine use and monitoring, as well as any updating
          • Windows 10.                                              and changing of access rights.
          • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.                             • Web-based interface means no need to install the
          • Windows Server 2012 R2.                                  software on all client PCs.
          • Windows Server 2016 (32 bit & 64 bit).                  • Easy installation process that includes a powerful SQL
                                                                     engine. Database protected by SQL authentication or
          MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK REQUIREMENT:                      windows-based authentication.
          • Net Framework 4.6.2. or higher.                         • Multi-language and configurable interface makes it
                                                                     easy to adjust the interface to the specific needs and
                                                                     security level of each operator, including operator
          HARDWARE REQUIREMENT FOR SERVER:                           password protection for higher security.
          • Processor: 1 GHz or higher. 32Bits or 64Bits.           • Online event monitoring through web browser
          • RAM: 4 GB.                                               permitting real-time visibility of all events at online
          • Hard disk space required: 10 GB.                         doors.
           (Aprox., depends on the DB).                             • Incorporate user photos to facilitate easy and fast
                                                                     identification of users at online access points.
          HARDWARE REQUIREMENT FOR CLIENT:                          • Easier setup of the XS4 2.0 Controller inputs and
          • Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher. 32Bits or 64Bits.          outputs through a user friendly wizard template.
          • RAM: 1 GB.
          • NET framework: V.40.2                                    SECURE:
                                                                    • Systems's auditor registers changes done by
          HTML5                                                      operators.
          • Supports all major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox,   • Interface alerts to be aware of potential conflicts on
           Edge, and Safari...                                       the setup of the access plan or changes.
                                                                    • Easy to upgrade to additional features to keep in-line
                                                                     with an installation’s requirements.
          • SQL LocalDB (included in ProAccess SPACE software -     FLEXIBLE:
           SQL Server 2012 Express)                                 • Also, an update of the server PC means that all client
          • SQL Server 2014                                          PCs are also updated.
          • SQL Server 2012                                         • Can be managed or operated from different
          • SQL Server 2008 R2                                       workstations simultaneously without risk of database
                                                                    • Possibility of multi-display using different web screens.
                                                                    • SALTO ProAccess SPACE software can also be used
                                                                     on Windows-based tablets.
                                                                    • JustIN Mobile permits access control users
                                                                     and hotel guests to use their Bluetooth LE-enabled
          USERS & DOORS:                                             smartphone as their credential.
          • Maximum number of users per door: 4 million.            •  JustIN Mobile permits users to use their NFC-
          • Maximum number of doors per system: 65,000               enabled smartphone to update their credentials
          • User access levels: Unlimited.                           remotely.
          • Calendars in system: 256
          • Time tables: 1024
          • Timeperiods: 1024

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