Page 172 - SALTO 2024
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          ProAccess SPACE lets users choose and pay for         With the SALTO ProAccess SPACE perpetual
          only the features and functions they need now, with   license system, you pay once for the features
          the flexibility to upgrade accordingly in the future as   you need, and if new needs arise, you can easily
          their needs grow.                                     and quickly upgrade your license, increasing the
                                                                functionality and with the convenience you need.



                EVENT STREAM:                                     SHIP INTEGRATION:
                The Event Stream option generates real-time       The SALTO Host Interface Protocol enables users to
                notifications to third party systems. The idea is to filter   integrate their SALTO Access Control system with
                the audit trail and send the selected events so that the   other systems i.e., CCTV, fire alarm, traditional access
                order system can process the received information and   control, etc., all via the same software.
                perform a real-time action.
                                                                  Function is only available as a separate add-on and
                Feature included in: SPAONLINE, SPAIDSYS and      is not included in any predefined package.
                SPAPART packages.

                SALTO MOBILE USERS:                               OPERATORS PROFILE:
                SALTO Mobile permits registered users to use their   Each system operator can customize the look and feel
                Bluetooth LE-enabled smartphone as their credential,   of its own GUI by pre-defining the language, which
                or their NFC-enabled smartphone to serve as a remote   encoder is to be used, column sorting etc., allowing a
                updating point to keep their access rights always up to   more efficient multi-user environment.
                date. ProAccess SPACE software permits the specific
                selection of which mobile solution -- JustIN Mobile or
                JustIN mSVN -- is appropriate for each individual user.

                Function is only available as a separate add-on and
                is not included in any predefined package.

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