Page 5 - SALTO 2024
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          WORKING SPACES                   RETAIL                  CO-LIVING                RESIDENTIAL

          Access management is      Smart-locking technology   The way people live is changing.   Smart locks replace the
          different for every business.   designed to improve business,   Whether it’s a student or a   traditional home door key
          Whether you’re a coworking   daily operations, security, and   professional, accommodation   with an electronic system
          space with a single location or   customer relations and give   is more than just renting an   that allows you to use your
          a larger coworking brand with   customers and staff a keyless,   apartment. Offer your members   smartphone to control your
          many locations, SALTO is your   flexible, and safer experience in   or students well-designed   door, guests, and your home.
          access control solution.  a retail store every hour of every   spaces with the comfort of
                                    business day.             their own fully-furnished private
          - Co-working spaces                                 apartment equipped with smart   - Residential / home living
                                    - Fast food & restaurant chain   locks.              - Multi-family housing
                                    - Supermarket & discount                             - High-end residential
                                       stores                 - Co-living spaces         - Rental properties /
                                    - Fitness center chains and    - Student accommodation      apartments
                                       gym franchises         - Serviced apartments
                                    - Banking and insurance
                                    - Clothes and fashion stores

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