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                  SALTO SPACE                                 SALTO KS

                  SMART ACCESS CONTROL                        CLOUD-BASED SMART LOCKING
                  TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM                         SOLUTION TO CONTROL YOUR
                  FOR SMARTER BUILDING                        BUSINESS ACCESS.

                  SALTO’s SPACE networked electronic locking access   SALTO KS - Keys as a Service - provides a flexible,
                  control management platform brings a new level of   cloud-based access control management system that
                  powerful flexibility to access control so that users can   requires no software installation or the added expense
                  order the functionalities they most need and upgrade   of a fully-wired electronic product. All that is needed is
                  accordingly as a system and needs grow.     an online device with an Internet connection.

                  SALTO SPACE offers a modern, user-centered interface
                  web-based software for varying skills, capabilities, and
                  security levels. Mobile access control adds convenience
                  and flexibility without sacrificing security.

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