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                SALTO JustIN MOBILE


                MOBILE-BASED ACCESS                              MAIN FEATURES AND BENEFITS
                CONTROL SOLUTION -                               Use mobile phone as a door key. Access control systems
                BLUETOOTH LE & NFC                               compatible with NFC, Bluetooth LE and RFID ID technologies.

                SALTO’s JustIN mobile technology makes it easy   USER FRIENDLY
                and secure to incorporate smartphones as a part of   - End user decides how to receive a key: as a JustIN Mobile or
                your access control solution. Using SALTO’s JustIN      as a physical credential.
                technology, these solutions easily and flexibly bring   - Extend access or change access rights instantly and remotely.
                better security and usability to both end users and   - Works with a user’s existing iOS or Android smartphone.
                system managers. End users gain convenience and   - JustIN Mobile app lets an end user receive their key online.
                productivity without sacrificing security, while facility
                managers distinguish their property with cost-effective   SECURE
                solutions that clients truly value.              - Smartphone authentication technology for verifying a mobile
                                                                    user’s identity: PIN / Fingerprint.
                                                                 - AES 128 bit encryption and secure opening procedure
                                                                    with key received securely encrypted using SSL.
                                                                 - Instant key updates or key cancellations.
                                                                 - Real-time access rights changes, audit trails, and blacklisting
                                                                   lost keys.
                                                                 - For a higher security level, no information is stored in the
                                                                    SALTO JustIN cloud, used only as a temporary bridge.

                                                                 iOS and Android software development kit (SDK) for the
                                                                 development of apps for JustIN Mobile access operating
                                                                 technology to make it easy and secure to incorporate
                                                                 smartphones as a part of your access control solution.

         HOW IT WORKS

               ProAccess SPACE               OTA:                  JustIN Mobile App:       Bluetooth LE & NFC-enabled
               functions:                                                                   stand-alone electronic lock
                                                                                            / cylinder:
               New access rights given by    Users receive their   Users utilize their      The app sends lock audit
               system administrator.         keys OTA (Over        smartphones to select and   trail and low battery status
                                             the Air), anytime     open the door. All data   monitoring for maintenance-
                                             and anywhere at a     transmission and the mobile   needed operations.
                                             registered and verified   key itself are encrypted and
                                             smartphone.           secured against cloning.

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