Page 23 - SALTO 2024
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                SALTO SALLIS

                SEAMLESS COMBINATION OF                          MAIN FEATURES AND BENEFITS
                                                                 Completely compatible with the SALTO XS4 wireless
                                                                 escutcheon range.
                In many security installations, there is a need for
                combining systems by different vendors. SALTO offers   Powerful diagnosis tool thanks to over 25 different event
                several ways to integrate with third-party products. This   codes within the audit trail.
                includes interfaces for connecting SALTO to third-party
                wired access control systems as well as integration   Based on audit trail: When lock is offline, lock will grant access
                with video surveillance, parking management,     to the user according to their last user event within the lock. For
                license/number plate recognition, biometrics, time &   high transit doors.
                attendance, escape door control systems, Physical
                Security Information Management Systems (PSIMs),   Based on white list system: Up to 20 master keys subject to
                training systems for safety instructions and much more.
                                                                 time zones can be stored in the lock memory. With proper set
                                                                 up, no door will be left without control. 600 audit trail events are
                                                                 stored on the lock, regardless of the state of the communication
                                                                 with the host.

                                                                 ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS:
                                                                 - Wireless communication AES 128 bit encryption.
                                                                 - Wireless communication at 2.4ghz based on IEEE 802.15.4.
                                                                 - Online audit trail and battery status control.
                                                                 - Live door monitoring.
                                                                 - 20 emergency codes subject to time zones.

         HOW IT WORKS

               HOST & database:            Router:          Node:          SALLIS electronic lock / cylinder :

               The HOST is the access control panel   The SALLIS Routers and Nodes   The wireless locking devices are the core of the
               where the information related to   are the link between the host and   locking system itself and enable control of doors
               access is hosted (users, time  the rest of the platform and enable   without need for complex wiring installations.
               periods, calendars, etc.).  communication with the wireless
                                           escutcheons and cylinders.

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