Page 25 - SALTO 2024
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                         SALTO KEYS AS A SERVICE                       SALTO KS CONNECT & SERVICES

                     The SALTO KS cloud-based access control       KS Connect and KS Services allows SALTO
                     platform allows you to control all of your    KS customers to integrate with existing
                     locations and access needs from anywhere.     software applications which streamlines
                     Vastly better functionality and performance   operations and maximizes technology. KS
                     than a mechanical solution. Flexible, with no   Connect enables third-party software and
                     software installation required.               service providers to enrich offerings with
                                                                   smart-lock functionality.

                     BUSINESS                                      ACCESS IN THE CLOUD

                     With SALTO KS there’s no need to install      SALTO KS allows you to individually define
                     software or there’s no need to replace a lock if   who can enter which doors during which time
                     keys are lost or stolen. Managing doors, keys   periods.
                     and user access levels has never been easier
                     and more secure; simply block a user key.     What no conventional key can do is change
                                                                   access rights on the fly. The
                     SALTO KS is an easy-to-use and sim-           website portal gives you the opportunity to
                     ple-to-manage access control dashboard that   quickly and easily determine who enters a
                     supports your business needs for a modern     property and when. If changes need to be
                     physical access control solution that gets all   made, then just log in, make the change, and
                     doors online and unifies access with a single   it’s done. No updating of the SALTO KS Tag
                     cloud solution.                               or SALTO KS access point is necessary. Can
                                                                   you do this with your current lock?

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